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Denise Meza
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OHA and FCARI Announce Rhode Island’s First State Plan on Caregiving
The Rhode Island Office of Healthy Aging and Family Caregiver Alliance of Rhode Island Announce Rhode Island’s First State Plan on Caregiving.

As a state with one of the highest percentages of adults aged 85 and over in the country, Rhode Island is home to more than 130,000 care partners who are supporting loved ones in aging with dignity and purpose. The Rhode Island State Plan for Family Caregivers serves as the framework for the proposed development and implementation of new policies, as well as the expansion of various programs and partnerships. The Plan serves to strengthen and advance the shared mission of OHA and the Family Caregiver Alliance of Rhode Island to promote choice, independence, empowerment, and the overall well-being of older adults, individuals with disabilities, and their caregivers.
Recent News
Medicare Annual Open Enrollment Begins October 15th
Friday, October 14, 2022
Office of Healthy Aging and partners help Rhode Islanders explore Medicare options during Open Enrollment period.
Read more about open enrollment
LTSS Notice about 5G Coverage
Friday, January 21, 2022
The nation’s three major wireless carriers (AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile) have announced plans to shut down their 3G networks and transition to 5G or more advanced services as early as February 2022.
OHA, BCBSRI, Aging Well partner to help bridge digital divide for older Woonsocket residents
March 22, 2021
New program will equip residents impacted by COVID-19 pandemic with smart devices, internet services, and digital training.
Town of Cumberland receives grant from Office of Healthy Aging
February 24, 2021
As part of its digiAGE initiative, the Rhode Island Office of Healthy Aging announced $200,000 in grants to 10 local organizations, who are working to connect more older adults and their families to technology.
Read on the Valley Breeze site
R.I. Office of Healthy Aging grants $200K to groups that bridge digital divide for seniors
February 23, 2021
The R.I. Office of Healthy Aging is awarding a total of $200,000 to 10 local organizations in communities hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic to help connect older adults with technology.
OHA Awards $200,000 to Local Groups Helping to Bridge the Digital Divide for Older Adults and Family Caregivers
February 19, 2021
Funded programs will equip grandparents, homebound elders, and caregiversin communities hard hit by COVID-19 with digital tools and training.
OHA’s digiAGE Program Awarded $10,000 from Cox Communications
December 9, 2020
As part of efforts to promote digital equity for older adults, the Rhode Island Office of Healthy Aging (OHA) – together with Cox Communications and Age-Friendly Rhode Island – today announced a partnership to equip older adults participating in OHA’s successful Project HELLO tele-buddy program with smart devices, internet service and technical support.
OHA, URI, BCBSRI partner to help bridge digital divide for older Rhode Islanders
November 16, 2020
New program will equip older adults in communities hard hit by COVID with smart devices, internet services, and training.
OHA distributes $800,000 to local community, senior centers to help mitigate COVID-19 impacts
November 2, 2020
All 39 Rhode Island cities and towns receive funding.
Medicare Open Enrollment Begins
October 15, 2020
Office of Healthy Aging, partners help Rhode Islanders explore Medicare options and select best health coverage for their needs.
OHA, Medicaid Award $78,000 to Rhode Island Nursing Homes to Support Technology Investments
September 4, 2020
As part of its new digiAGE initiative, the Rhode Island Office of Healthy Aging (OHA), in partnership with the Rhode Island Medicaid Division, today announced $78,000 in grants to 26 local nursing homes to support technology investments.
OHHS, OHA Provide Financial Assistance to State’s Adult Day Health Centers Impacted by COVID-19 Pandemic
August 4, 2020
As part of Governor Raimondo’s efforts to strengthen Rhode Island’s long-term care system, the Rhode Island Executive Office of Health and Human Services (OHHS) and the Office of Healthy Aging (OHA) today announced a joint effort to provide financial support to Rhode Island’s adult day health centers that are resuming operations as part of Phase 3.
OHA, Partners Launch the digiAGE Collaborative to Help Bridge Digital Divide for Older Rhode Islanders and Adults Living with Disabilities
July 22, 2020
The Rhode Island Office of Healthy Aging (OHA), in partnership with the Rhode Island Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) and community partners, announced today the launch of the digiAGE Collaborative – a community-driven effort to help digitally connect more older Rhode Islanders and adults living with disabilities to virtual social networks and other tech-enabled services and opportunities.