Official State of Rhode Island website

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Get Help

Are you age 55 or older, an adult living with a disability, or a caregiver?

The Rhode Island Aging and Disability Resource Center is here for you.

There are many resources available to you. Call or visit the ADRC at 401-462-4444 to talk with a specialist today. Calls are free and confidential. We can help you identify your needs, explore resources and services, and help with applying to public and private programs.

Get valuable information and assistance about:

  • Home and community-based care
  • Resources for caregivers and their families
  • Assistance with planning for Memory and Cognitive Care
  • Application information and support to public assistance programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, SNAP, Heating and Utility Assistance 
  • Information and answers to your COVID-19 questions
  • Information regarding other valuable resources in the community
Two women sitting together smiling

Connect with a Specialist

Are you an older adult, person living with disabilities, or a caregiver? Wondering what resources are available for you? The Point is a free resource, helping you to explore your options – from healthcare planning to employment opportunities, and more. Trained specialists will provide tailored information and connect you to resources in your area while you hold on the line.

Learn more about access

Woman standing with a seated woman, facing the ocean

Share Your Feedback

Your voice matters! Help us ensure all Rhode Islanders have an opportunity to age strong by sharing your thoughts on what is going well and what should be improved. We look forward to hearing from you.

Give feedback

RI Serves logo

RI Serves

RIServes is a coordinated network of public, private and nonprofit organizations serving veterans, service members and their families in Rhode Island. RIServes uses technology and its partner network to guide veterans, service members and their families to the most appropriate services and resources available.

Learn more about RI Serves

BH Link logo


BH Link is a 24/7 behavioral health facility designed to provide immediate assistance to a person in crisis by providing innovative crisis intervention services. BH Link ensures stability, provides seamless transfer to ongoing care, and reduces the unnecessary use of more costly hospital-based services. Contact our Healthy Aging BH Liaison at 401.437.4894.

Learn more about BH Link